Jewish Education Program - The Master Artist текст песни

Все тексты песен Jewish Education Program

Oh, the skies are His canvas drawn in pastel shades of blue
And He adds a blazing sunset in a scarlet crimson hue
He sprinkles golden sunshine brushed with early morning dew
And He lifts the veil of darkness to begin each day anew
He paints with every rainbow in a hundred different ways
And His picture of perfection lasts until the end of days

Though He tries to paint the picture but the colors just won't blend
And the blazing shade of crimson is the shame we've caused a friend
And in shaded tones of envy which we try so hard to hide
We still paint the grass much greener when it's on the other side
Though He's proving His existence with His wonders every day
Still our questions of emunah are a hazy shade of gray

Each day is a new celebration of the wonders of Hashem, Who shares
The splendor of the creation for us to behold
Ein tzayar k'Elokim - there's no artist like Hashem
For He takes the lifeless form of man and breathes a life into his soul

Though the sins that caused our galus seem to pale the black of night
And the gift of our forgiveness is a pristine shade of white
And our joy will turn to sorrow as we mourn six million dead
As the image of the sho'ah is in somber tones of red
Still we wait to greet Mashiach - He'll be coming soon, we're told
And we'll build the Bais HaMikdash in Jerusalem of Gold

If all the skies were parchment, and the quills were made of trees
And the ink to write the letters was the water of the seas
And the people of creation were the scribes to write the tale
They could never tell all the glory of the Gd of Yisrael
For it's He Who paints the picture - we just follow His command
Hashem's the Master Artist, we're just brushes in His hand

Each day is a new celebration of the wonders of Hashem, Who shares
The splendor of the creation for us to behold
Ein tzayar k'Elokeinu - there's no artist like Hashem
For He takes the lifeless form of man and breathes a life into his soul


